1. Congratulations to Jacksen Hugh Goyer, a CUSL undergraduate researcher, for being selected as the Sophomore of the Year by the Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of Kansas, April, 2017.
2. Congratulations to Jeremy Issac Katz, a CUSL undergraduate researcher, for being selected as the recipient the KU undergraduate award, April, 2017.
3. Three conference papers were accepted by the 2018 AIAA GNC conference and the 2017 AIAA Infotech conference, "Model Aided Estimation of Angle of Attack, Sideslip Angle, and 3D Wind without Flow Angle Measurements", "Model Based Autopilot Gain Tuning for Attitude Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", and "Prescribed Fire Monitoring Using KHawk Unmanned Aircraft Systems". Congratulations to Harold and Saket for their fist research papers as the first author.
4. We got a new NASA-KS-EPSCoR grant to work on "Autonomous Tornado Damage Track Mapping Using a Small UAS", Oct. 2016.
5. Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, Pengzhi Tian, ZhongQuan Zheng, Marcello Napolitano, “Wake Vortex Detection with UAV Close Formation Flight”, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (AFM), June, 2015
6. First autonomous flight of Khawk 1, September 2014.
7. Dr. Haiyang Chao visited NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) for one week sponsored by Kansas-NASA-EPSCoR Partnership Development Grant, August 2014.
8. Conference paper "Wind Field and Wake Estimation in UAV Formation Flight" presented at American Control Conference 2014, in Portland, Oregon, July 2014.
9. Journal paper "A Survey of Optical Flow Techniques for Robotics Navigation Applications") was published on the International Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems, January 2014.
10. Undergraduate researcher, Elizabeth S. O'Neil, was awarded the undergraduate fellowship from NASA Kansas Space Consortium, December 2013.