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Welcome to Cooperative Unmanned Systems Laboratory (CUSL)

Book & Book Chapters

  • 3.Haiyang Chao, YangQuan Chen, Remote Sensing and Actuation Using Unmanned Vehicles, Wiley IEEE Press, August 2012 (LINK)
  • 2.Yu Gu, Jason Gross, Francis Barchesky, Haiyang Chao, Marcello Napolitano, Avionics Design for a Sub-Scale Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Test-Bed, Aircraft Technologies, IN-TECH, pp. 21-45, 2012 (LINK).
  • 1.Haiyang Chao, Austin Jensen, Yiding Han, YangQuan Chen, and Mac McKee, AggieAir: Towards Low-cost Cooperative Multispectral Remote Sensing Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Gary Jedlovec, Ed. Vukovar, Croatia: IN-TECH, pp. 463-490, 2009 (LINK).

Journal Papers

  • J14. Pengzhi Tian, Haiyang Chao, Matthew Rhudy, Jason Gross, and Huixuan Wu, Wind Sensing and Estimation Using Small Fixed-Wing UAVs: A Survey, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (JAIS), accepted to appear, 2020.
  • J13. Pengzhi Tian, Haiyang Chao, Harold Flannagan, Steven G. Hagerott, and Yu Gu, Design and Evaluation of Flow Angle Estimation Filters, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), Vol. 55, Issue 1, 2019 (PDF) (Link).
  • J12. Chuan Yan, Huazhen Fang, and Haiyang Chao, Energy-Aware Leader-Follower Tracking Control for Electric-Powered Multi-Agent Systems, Control Engineering Practice (CEP), Vol. 79, pp. 209-218, 2018 (Link).
  • J11. Matthew Rhudy, Yu Gu, Jason Gross, and Haiyang Chao, Onboard Wind Velocity Estimation Comparison for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), Vol. 53, No. 1, pp.55-66, 2017 (Link).
  • J10. Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, Jason Gross, Matthew Rhudy, and Marcello Napolitano, Flight-Test Evaluation of Navigation Information in Wide-Field Optical Flow, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (JAIS), Vol. 13, No. 11, pp.419-432, 2016 (Link).
  • J9. Caleb Rice, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, Trenton Larrabee, Srikanth Gururajan, Marcello Napolitano, Tanmay Mandal, and Matthew Rhudy, Autonomous Close Formation Flight Control with Fixed Wing and Quadrotor Test Beds, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Article ID 9517654, 2016 (Link).
  • J8. Matthew Rhudy, Mario L. Fravolini, Yu Gu, Marcello R. Napolitano, Srikanth Gururajan, Haiyang Chao, Aircraft Model Independent Airspeed Estimation without Pitot Tube Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), July, 2015 (Link).
  • J7. Matthew Rhudy, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, Jason Gross, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation Using Wide-Field Optical Flow and Inertial Sensors, Journal of Robotics, Article ID 251379, 2015 (Link).
  • J6. Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, and Marcello Napolitano, A Survey of Optical Flow Techniques for Robotics Navigation Applications, Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems, vol. 74, pp:361-372, 2014 (Link).
  • J5. Ying Luo, Haiyang Chao, Long Di, and YangQuan Chen, Lateral Directional Fractional Order PI^\alpha Control of A Small Fixed-Wing UAV: Controller Designs and Flight Tests, IET Control Theory and Applications, vol.18, no.5, pp.2156-2167, 2011.
  • J4. Haiyang Chao, Ying Luo, Long Di, and YangQuan Chen, Roll-Channel Fractional Order Controller Design for a Small Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Control Engineering Practice, vol.18, no.7, pp.761-772, 2010 (PDF).
  • J3. Haiyang Chao, Yongcan Cao, and YangQuan Chen, Autopilots for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Survey, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (IJCAS), vol.8, no.1, pp.36-44, 2010 (PDF).
  • J2. Haiyang Chao and YangQuan Chen, Cooperative Sensing and Distributed Control of a Diffusion Process Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (NMTMA), vol.8, no.1:36-44, 2010 (PDF).
  • J1.Wei Ren, Haiyang Chao, William Bourgeous, Nathan Sorensen, and YangQuan Chen, Experimental Validation of Consensus Algorithms for Multi-vehicle Cooperative Control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (TCST), vol.16, 4:745-752, 2008 (PDF).

Thesis & Dissertation

  • 2. Pengzhi Tian, Sensing and Estimation of Airflow Angles and Atmospheric Winds for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Ph.D. Dissertation, June, 2020.
  • 1. Saket Gowravaram, Multispectral Remote Sensing of the Earth and Environment Using KHawk Unmanned Aircraft Systems, M.S. Thesis (PDF), July, 2017.

Selected Conference Papers

  • C27. Saket Gowravaram, Haiyang Chao, Andrew L. Molthan, Nathaniel Brunsell, and Tiebiao Zhao, Radiometric Correction of Digital UAS Multispectral Imagery Using Free and Open Satellite Surface Reflectance Images, 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Special Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, 2020 (Presentation).
  • C26. Harold Flanagan, Haiyang Chao, and Steven G. Hagerott, Model Based Roll Controller Tuning and Frequency Domain Analysis for a Flying-Wing UAS, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2019 (Link).
  • C25. Pengzhi Tian, Haiyang Chao, and Huixuan Wu, UAS-based Wind Estimation Using Sinusoidal Gust Model, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, January, 2019 (Link).
  • C24. Saket Gowravaram, Haiyang Chao, Andrew L. Molthan, Lori A. Schultz, Jordan R. Bell, Pengzhi Tian, and Harold Flanagan, Evaluating the 22nd June 2017 South Dakota Hail Damage Using KHawk UAS: Accuracy Quantification and Cross Validation with Satellite Imagery, submitted under review, 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Special Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, 2019 (Presentation).
  • C23. Saket Gowravaram, Pengzhi Tian, Harold Flanagan, Jacksen Hugh Goyer, and Haiyang Chao, UAS-based Multispectral Remote Sensing and NDVI Calculation for Post Disaster Assessment, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2018 (Link).
  • C22. Harold Flanagan, Steven G. Hagerott, and Haiyang Chao, Model Based Roll Controller Tuning and Analysis for Small UAS in Turbulence Environment, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2018 (Link).
  • C21. Pengzhi Tian and Haiyang Chao, Model Aided Estimation of Angle of Attack, Sideslip Angle, and 3D Wind without Flow Angle Measurements, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, January, 2018 (Link).
  • C20. Saket Gowravaram, Harold Flanagan, Pengzhi Tian, and Haiyang Chao, Prescribed Fire Monitoring Using KHawk Unmanned Aircraft Systems, AIAA Infotech Conference, January, 2018 (Link) (PDF).
  • C19. Ringkowski, Michael, and Haiyang Chao. "State estimation using inertial optical flows for a fixed-wing UAS." Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017 (link).
  • C18. Haiyang Chao, Kevin Brink, and Mikel Miller, Collaborative Stereo Vision Based Relative Pose Estimation with Small UAS Formation, ION Pacific PNT Conference, May, 2017 (Link).
  • C17. Pengzhi Tian, Anpeng He, Haiyang Chao, ZhongQuan Charlie Zheng, and Yu Gu, Wake Encounter Simulation and Flight Validation with UAV Close Formation Flight , AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2017 (link).
  • C16. Haiyang Chao, Harold Flanagon, Pengzhi Tian, and Steve Hagerott, Flight Test Investigation of Stall/Spin Detection Techniques for a Flying Wing UAS, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (AFM), 2017 (link).
  • C15. Pengzhi Tian, Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, and Steve Hagerott, UAV Flight Test Evaluation of Fusion Algorithms for Estimation of Angle of Attack and Sideslip Angle, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2016 (link).
  • C14. Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, Pengzhi Tian, ZhongQuan Zheng, Marcello Napolitano, “Wake Vortex Detection with UAV Close Formation Flight”, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (AFM), June, 2015 (link).
  • C13. Matthew Rhudy, Haiyang Chao, and Yu Gu, Wide Field Optical Flow Aided Inertial Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September, 2014 (link)
  • C12. Trenton Larrabee, Haiyang Chao, Matthew Rhudy, Yu Gu, and Marcello Napolitano, Wind field estimation in UAV formation flight, American Control Conference (ACC), June, 2014 (link).
  • C11. Caleb Rice, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, Trenton Larrabee, Srikanth Gururajan, Yu Gu, Marcello Napolitano, Tanmay Mandal, Matthew Rhudy, Design, Control performance analysis for autonomous close formation flight experiments, International Conference on Unmanned Aicraft Systems, August, 2014 (link).
  • C10. Trenton Larrabee, Haiyang Chao, Tanmay Mandal, Srikanth Gururajan, Yu Gu, Marcello Napolitano, Design, Simulation, and Flight Test Validation of a UAV Ground Control Station for Aviation Safety Research and Pilot Modeling, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, August, 2013 (PDF).
  • C9. Matthew Rhudy, Trenton Larrabee, Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, and Marcello R. Napolitano, UAV Attitude, Heading, and Wind Estimation Using GPS/INS and an Air Data System, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, August, 2013.
  • C8. Daniele Tancredi, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, Fault Tolerant Formation Flight Control Using Different Adaptation Techniques, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, May, 2013 (PDF).
  • C7. Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, Jason Gross, Guodong Guo, Mario L. Fravolini, and Marcello Napolitano, A Comparative Study of Optical Flow and Traditional Sensors for UAV Navigation, American Control Conference, June, 2013 (PDF).
  • C6. Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, and Marcello Napolitano, A Survey of Optical Optical Flow for UAV Navigation Applications, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, May, 2013 (PDF).
  • C5.Long Di, Haiyang Chao, Jinlu Han, and YangQuan Chen, Cognitive Multi-UAV Formation Flight: Principle, Low-Cost UAV Testbed, Controller Tuning and Experiments, ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Aug. 2011.
  • C4. Haiyang Chao, Cal Coopmans, Long Di, and YangQuan Chen, A comparative evaluation of low-cost IMUs for unmanned autonomous systems, IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Sep. 2010 (PDF).
  • C3. Long Di, Haiyang Chao, and YangQuan Chen, A Two-stage Calibration Method for Low-cost UAV Attitude Estimation Using Infrared Sensor, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Jul. 2010.
  • C2. Hu Sheng, Haiyang Chao, Cal Coopmans, Jinlu Han, Mac McKee, and YangQuan Chen, Low-Cost-UAV Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing: Platform, Calibration and Applications, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Jul. 2010 (PDF).
  • C1. Haiyang Chao, Marc Baumann, Austin M. Jensen, YangQuan Chen, Yongcan Cao, Wei Ren, and Mac McKee, Band-reconfigurable Multi-UAV-based Cooperative Remote Sensing for Real-time Water Management and Distributed Irrigation Control, International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Jul., 2008 (PDF).