Welcome to Cooperative Unmaned Systems Laboratory (CUSL)

AE 430 Aerospace Instrumentation (Spring 2014/2015)
Class Outline:
Chapter 1. Fourier Transform
Chapter 2. Sampling Theory
Chapter 3. Instrument Specifications
Chapter 4. Measurement Errors
Chapter 5. Data Acquisition
Chapter 6. Data Analysis and Filter Design
Chapter 7. Sensor Calibration
Chapter 8. Aerospace Sensors (Analog/Digital)
AE 752 Linear Multivariable Control (Fall 2014)
Class Outline:
Chapter 1. Introduction & Review
Chapter 2. State Space Representation
Chapter 3. Solution of Linear Systems (LTI/LTV)
Chapter 4. System Stability
Chapter 5. Cooperative Control
Chapter 6. Controllability and Observability
Chapter 7. State Feedback Control and State Feedback Regulator